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Prepare for your Special Event

Before your Trial-run

Bring photos of hairstyles and makeup you like as it helps us to understand the look you are after. Wear clothing with a similar neckline as your wedding dress if possible, or a low, light coloured top. It is also important to wax or tweeze untidy eyebrows, chins, cheeks etc. before for the trial. Wash your hair the night before as this eliminates fly away or too soft hair and makes it more manageable.



It's fine to use Mousse or Hairspray but absolutely NO straightening serum, as it works as a coating and makes the hair inflexible. If you have product-buildup use a clarifying shampoo like SUKIN DEEP CLEANSE


It's often easier to buy your headpiece after the trial,  you can buy one to suit the hairstyle rather than the other way around. 


If you have any inquiries regarding colouring or conditioning treatments you can discuss these with Debbie or Victoria at your trial.

On the day of your wedding or special event

Be on time for your wedding day hair and make up appointment and have everyone ready to start at the appointed time. Working simultaneously, we allow an hour per person for hair and makeup. If you have say, 5 people then we need 5 hours.

Photographers usually request you to be in the final touches of hair & Makeup when they arrive Be on time or even a little early for your wedding day hair and make up appointment and have everyone there,ready to start at the appointed time

Don't drink to excess the night before and drink water, lots of it! Use a good sunscreen for face or moisturiser.


For prep, wear something that opens at the front and does not need to be taken over the head so that the hair style does not get damaged.( discuss with your dressmaker whether you can step into your wedding dress as putting it over your head could result in displacing your hairstyle)


Wash your hair the night before as this eliminates fly away or too soft hair and makes it more manageable. It is OK to use Mousse or Hairspray but absolutely NO straightening serum - please don't use straightening irons as it makes it hard to curl the hair

If you have product-buildup use a clarifying shampoo like SUKIN DEEP CLEANSE.

Bridal Hairstyling and Makeup Preparation

If your hair gets wet during your morning shower, please make sure it is thoroughly dry before we style it.

If using fresh flowers it is advisable to have them arrive early so that the hairdresser can decorate the hair around them.


Victoria recommends that everyone should have a face peel a few day’s prior to the wedding, this removes dead skin cells and gives the makeup a lovely fresh appearance. This can be done at your local salon.

Make sure your hands and nails look really nice as they will be a focal point throughout the day. 


Dont forget to relax and enjoy!

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